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Our School


Wren and Willow Montessori School nurtures infants, toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners in an authentic Montessori environment.   Our nature-based school inspires multi-sensory, hands-on learning in a peaceful, organic setting. Our deep understanding of child development and Montessori philosophies fosters creative-based learning that gives students loving support and a solid foundation as they grow, emotionally and academically.  Our program flourishes self-reliant and independent, life-long learners who will shape their own future.

About Our Philosophy

Willow House


'The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life.'
Maria Montessori
Montessori philosophy offers leaning via all their - taste, touch, sound, sight,
smell.  The biggest difference between an Infant/Toddler Montessori classroom is that the youngest of babies are the environment with in the classroom environment. They first learn their body from rolling over, creeping, crawling, sitting, to walking and more. As they learn how they work as a person, they then begin to explore their environment.

Our role is to provide a safe space, to love and nurture each child as the unique person they are.  We observe, engage and learn the nuances of each child, growing a secure emotional attachment with all our little ones. Respect and understanding of our littlest humans help them thrive in peaceful and loving space.

Willow House offers multi-sensory, indoor and outdoor environments for our little ones make discoveries and grow - emotionally, physically, and cognitively.  Most importantly, we follow the lead of each child.

Guiding and caring for babies and young children is my passion and purpose from deep within my core. I believe our little ones are the most important people in our world. They are the future. Learning, growing and development should be fun, it should be personal, it should be community of working together with our families together to best support each child.


Wren House


"I look to a distant  landscape, a future I cannot see. My teaching is an act of faith in that unseen horizon. That the work I do today will help the child tomorrow. And tomorrow. And tomorrow. That the child I nurture today will reach that horizon, will discover new lands, will blaze trails beyond my ability to image.  May I provide for them what they need most on that adventure. May I not burden them or load them down with what we should both disregard. Though I cannot see it, though I will never see it, may I protect that horizon."
- A Delicate Path, Teaching and Learning on the Montessori Path


Children in our Wren House classroom are gently supported in finding their confidence, independence and love for learning. We provide regularly updated and interesting materials and activities to inspire young students to get excited about learning.


Children are given the autonomy to choose their work and complete it with confidence knowing help is nearby if they need it. In addition, our teachers are always observing the classroom in order to provide each student with individualized opportunities to be supported and to grow. 


Wren House students thrive on independence. Our students are not seen as mere children, but as whole human beings, each with their own set of interests, skills, needs and gifts. Each student is encouraged to work as independently as possible, while gently supported by loving adults. This environment creates learners who are self-starters and full of confidence. 


When students know they are valued, supported and have confidence in their independence, they become joyful in their learning. This joy is authentic learning, for the love of learning, and will stick with them for a lifetime.

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